Tacoma Expands Charging Access for Residents with New FLO EV Chargers
Valuable investment provides reliable charging solutions to Tacoma’s Neighborhood Business Districts
TACOMA, Wash. – FLO, a leading North American electric vehicle (EV) charging network operator and smart charging solutions provider, supplied EV chargers for a curbside charging project in Tacoma, Washington. The project – aimed at expanding reliable EV charging infrastructure – is a collaboration between Tacoma Power, the City of Tacoma Public Works Department, the City’s Parking Services, and its Community and Economic Development Office.
“Smart investments in local charging infrastructure are crucial to keep communities on the go in the midst of the EV transition,” said Thomas Koetje, FLO Business Development Manager. “We are thrilled to help the visitors and residents of Tacoma stay charged up with confidence and ease. FLO looks forward to helping ensure residents have access to reliable charging solutions as more drivers transition to EVs.”
“We installed chargers in Tacoma’s Neighborhood Business Districts to support businesses, schools, multifamily residents, and people in neighborhoods that previously had no access to public EV charging,” said Breanna Chance, energy research and development, Tacoma Power. “These chargers will provide people who live in Tacoma’s neighborhoods access to EV charging they may not have at home.”
Fifteen chargers were installed in the first phase of the project with 30 more installations planned by the end of the year. FLO worked with Utility and City staff to utilize existing infrastructure in the initial installment of FLO’s SmartTWO™ curbside chargers located across the city. The installation sites were chosen based on existing infrastructure and community feedback, with an emphasis on equity in underserved communities. The charging project was featured on TV Tacoma’s Urban Green show and on Tacoma’s YouTube channel.
Tacoma is seeking input from the community on future charger placements and is evaluating site locations for the installation of Level 3 SmartDC™ fast chargers downtown.
About FLO
FLO is a leading North American electric vehicle (EV) charging network operator and a smart charging solutions provider. We help to overcome climate change and accelerate EV adoption through a vertically integrated business model and by delivering EV drivers the best charging experience from curbside to countryside. Every month, we enable more than 1 million charging events thanks to over 90,000 fast and level 2 EV charging stations deployed at public, private and residential locations. FLO operates its network across North America and our high-quality charging stations are assembled with care in Michigan and Quebec. To learn more about what “EV charging done right™” means to us, visit flo.com.
FLO®, SmartDCTM and SmartTWOTM are registered or unregistered trademarks of Services FLO Inc.
Andrea Knapp